- Turn in Storyboard Homework
- Read Chapter 2 Alice Textbook
- Watch Power Point and complete Unit 2 Handout
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 5
- Items must move life like!!!!
- Computer Final Exam May 25-28
Decide on the problem to be solved - must understand the task before you can begin
- Design a problem
- The solution
- How can we create this animaiton?
- A textual storyboard is like a to-do list
Program Instructions may have arguments:
- Example: for the move instruction, the argument we used in this example were; direction and distance
DoTogether and DoInOrder blocks can be used one inside the other.
- An important step in creating a program is to run it to be sure it does what you expect it to do.
- We recommend that you use an incremental development process:
- Write a few lines of code and then run it
- write a few more lines and run it
- write a few more line and run it.....
While Alice instructions are easy to understand, a particular combination of the instructions may perform an action that is not immediately obvious.
Comments are used to document the code - explain the purpose of a particular segment of the program to the human reader.