Monday, April 12, 2010

A Day Students Blocks 3 & 4

Just a little advice
  • The behavior that was displayed by the A Day classes will not be tolerated.
  • They have lost game day and any computer access when I am absent. Which means book work and paper shuffling.
  • They have also lost 1 day of computer time to complete their games. Unfortunately this affects the entire class, not just the student(s) that caused the problems/issues. It only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch.
  • Referrals will be written with Acceptable Use Policy Violations that are District Policy. If offense is at Level II, all computer access for the remainder of the year will be revoked in the classroom for that student.
  • Please add this to your Daily Log, so I know that you have read and understand the consequences behind your behavior while I am not present. I expect you to act better for our guest the sub than you do for me.

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