Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2 - November 9

November 2 - November 9 (Due 11/9)

Phase II, Programming Math, FOR/NEXT Loops

OBJECTIVE (S): Students will….

  • Be able to list the mathematical operators in order of precedence.
  • Be able to match a variable type with the data it can store.
  • Be able to write simple commands in Basic computer language for creating a random number, printing a name to the screen, performing a task repeatedly (for/next loop), print a chosen word or words to the screen given a set of limitations (if/then loop).
  • Be able to identify the logical operators in Basic programming language.

Phase 2 Worksheet - Daily
Criteria/Constraints - Daily
Code Changes - Daily x 2
Game Outline - Daily
Phase 2 Quiz - Daily
Internship Report - 25pt Quiz/Test
Daily Log - Daily
Professional Ethics - Daily

The above assignments are the rest of the grades for this 6 weeks, that ends November 13. The last assignment will be taken on November 9. All work done November 10 - 13 will go on the 3rd 6weeks grading period.

If your student is absent, he/she is responsible for coming in outside of class to complete the work. I will post make-up times on this blog as well. I have built in an extra day for each assignment for this reason, but if extra time is needed, I will be more than willing to stay after school.

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