Monday, November 30, 2009

November 30 - December 4

Tutorials are on Wednesday by Appointment only. This will be the schedule for the rest of the year.

Phase 3 was due - 11/17
  • It will be taken until Dec. 2 for a late grade
  • If not submitted by Dec. 2, grades of zero will be placed in the grade book.
Phase 4 Collision, Texture and Sound - Due Dec. 4th


Students will....
  • Understand the concept of object collision and be able to write Dark Basic code that will manipulate object collision within the game engine.
  • Determine which type of file is usable as a texture in Dark Basic code.
  • Determine which type of file is usable as sound or music within the game engine.
  • Be able to write Dark Basic code that will play and set the volume for a sound or music within the game engine.
  • Daily Log for Phase 3 & 4
  • Phase 4 Certification Worksheet
  • Final Story
  • Phase 4 Brainstorming Sheet
  • Internship Report 4
  • Code Changes
  • Certification Quiz 4

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tutorials for November 9-17

11/9 Monday - 2:30-4:00 pm

11/13 Friday - 2:30-4:00 pm

11/17 Tuesdy - 2:30-4:00 pm

By appointment only. Please let me know as to whether or not you plan on attending. I will leave at 3:00 pm daily if there is no-one in the lab.

November 11-17

Phase III - 2D/3D Worlds-Objects in Programming

Objectives: Students will:
Be able to with Basic code an object and manipulate that object in a game program.
Be able to color and/or texture an object in a game program.
Be able to load a pre-made model into a game.

Phase III Worksheet - Daily
Phase III Internship Report - 25 pt Test
Phase III Quiz - Daily
Code Changes - 2 Daily
Professional Standards - Daily

Please check back daily for updates on Assignments and such. All assignments subject to change. If something is not listed above and the ISL curriculum states you are to do it, then do the assignment. I will update the list above throughout the week you are working on Phase III.

Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2 - November 9

November 2 - November 9 (Due 11/9)

Phase II, Programming Math, FOR/NEXT Loops

OBJECTIVE (S): Students will….

  • Be able to list the mathematical operators in order of precedence.
  • Be able to match a variable type with the data it can store.
  • Be able to write simple commands in Basic computer language for creating a random number, printing a name to the screen, performing a task repeatedly (for/next loop), print a chosen word or words to the screen given a set of limitations (if/then loop).
  • Be able to identify the logical operators in Basic programming language.

Phase 2 Worksheet - Daily
Criteria/Constraints - Daily
Code Changes - Daily x 2
Game Outline - Daily
Phase 2 Quiz - Daily
Internship Report - 25pt Quiz/Test
Daily Log - Daily
Professional Ethics - Daily

The above assignments are the rest of the grades for this 6 weeks, that ends November 13. The last assignment will be taken on November 9. All work done November 10 - 13 will go on the 3rd 6weeks grading period.

If your student is absent, he/she is responsible for coming in outside of class to complete the work. I will post make-up times on this blog as well. I have built in an extra day for each assignment for this reason, but if extra time is needed, I will be more than willing to stay after school.