Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17-24 Alice Unit 2

  • Turn in Storyboard Homework
  • Read Chapter 2 Alice Textbook
  • Watch Power Point and complete Unit 2 Handout
  • Exercise 4
  • Exercise 5
  • Items must move life like!!!!
  • Computer Final Exam May 25-28

Decide on the problem to be solved - must understand the task before you can begin
  • Design a problem
  • The solution
  • How can we create this animaiton?
  • A textual storyboard is like a to-do list
Program Instructions may have arguments:
  • Example: for the move instruction, the argument we used in this example were; direction and distance
DoTogether and DoInOrder blocks can be used one inside the other.
  • An important step in creating a program is to run it to be sure it does what you expect it to do.
  • We recommend that you use an incremental development process:
  • Write a few lines of code and then run it
  • write a few more lines and run it
  • write a few more line and run it.....
While Alice instructions are easy to understand, a particular combination of the instructions may perform an action that is not immediately obvious.

Comments are used to document the code - explain the purpose of a particular segment of the program to the human reader.


Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3-14


Alice Unit 1
  • Due by Friday May 7 or May 10 - Some might need to be done as homework.
  • Skater/Naptime/Penquin/Robot Tutorials
  • CREATE A FOLDER ON THE DESKTOP WITH YOUR NAME. Save all of your work in that folder.
  • Getting Started Part I
  • Getting Started Part II
  • Due by May 13 or May 14
  • Exercise 1.1 Island World
  • Exercise 1.2 Winter
  • Exercise 1.3 Snowpeople Pile
  • Extra Credit: 1.5 Soldiers on Deck
  • Unit I Handout
  • Algorithmic thinking and expression: being able to read and write in a formal language.
  • Abstraction: learning how to communicate complex ideas simply, and to decompose problems logically.
  • Appreciation of elegance: realizing that although there are many ways to solve a problem, some are inherently better than others.

May-June Due Dates

Download the following program at home:

The calendar will show when all of the different projects are due. There will be enough class time given to be successful. If you feel that you need more time, you can work on your projects at home and use your gmail account to email them back and forth to yourself.
  • Calendar of Due Dates