Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26-April 30

  • If submitting, I need the following in a file called Final Game and your flash drive handed to me for compiling.
  • Completed Developers Log
  • Poster
  • CD Case and Label
  • Both dba files
  • EXE file
  • Story and Level Descriptions/Booklet
  • Daily Log due at the end of class daily.
  • If you are not submitting for the contest, I need all of the above done and flash drive placed back in the normal container at the end of class today.
This challenge has each high school team creating an edutainment game for grade level 7th or 8th.
  • The game must help to teach subject matter that is specific to the grade selected.
  • The game should engage students in Math, Language, or Science.
  • The game should be appropriate to the target audience.
  • The game must have a storyline and the play should support the theme of the game.
  • The game must have the player progress to a second level of play.
  • A description of 2 additional levels should be included in the documentation for the game.

Students Submitting Game for Contest

Things that are needed by Monday, April 26 are:
  • Completed DVD Case
  • Inside Booklet - Story and Level Descriptions
  • CD Label
  • Game Poster File = 11 x 17 and New Printed 8 1/2 x 11 (Ask me how to take off toner save mode so you get the best print possible)
  • Developers Log Completed with details, signatures. You do not need a teammate, but you do need a Team/Company Name
  • Final Executable and the 2 game files..... .dbpro files
  • Don't forget to put the images/ the folder as well, otherwise the game will not work.

Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19 - April 30

  • Follow written instructions on the board for Submitting a game for contest or NOT submitting a game for contest.
  • If not submitting, work on Phase 6 this week. Do not continue to code or do the other work needed to submit
  • Daily Log due at the end of class daily.
  • Phase 6 due Tuesday-Friday April 27-30.
  • A single level working game is required for a passing grade. No exceptions. You must have 2 classmates fill out the testing paperwork for you.
  • Phase 7 due Monday/Tuesday May 3/4
This challenge has each high school team creating an edutainment game for grade level 7th or 8th.
  • The game must help to teach subject matter that is specific to the grade selected.
  • The game should engage students in Math, Language, or Science.
  • The game should be appropriate to the target audience.
  • The game must have a storyline and the play should support the theme of the game.
  • The game must have the player progress to a second level of play.
  • A description of 2 additional levels should be included in the documentation for the game.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Help to Design the Poster

Although the links below are to help you to come up with ideas, they are no way intended for you to copy directly. This would be a copyright infringement on your part. Use the links below to help you formulate the best design to advertise your game. Be creative and make your poster attractive.

Poster Designing Free Software

Poster Example

Poster Example 2

Poster - Due April 19/20
  • Paper size is 11x17 - setup your document to this size paper.
  • Printing size will be 8.5 x 11 - I will help you do this in class the day the poster is due.
  • Must sell story
  • Must be visually pleasant
  • Must go along with game
  • Game must have name

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Source Citing Format for Developers Log

When Citing Sources, one should use a type of format. The question that always comes to mind is: "When will I ever use that" from English class. Here is your opportunity to show off what you have learned in your years of writing research papers.
  • Proper MLA format to be used in your Developers Log
  • Sounds
  • Images
  • They each have a specific url assigned to them as well as the date you retrieved the data. All information that is need to properly cite a source you used in your game.
  • Citation Machine is a place that will help you place your data in the correct/proper format to be successful.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Day Students Blocks 3 & 4

Just a little advice
  • The behavior that was displayed by the A Day classes will not be tolerated.
  • They have lost game day and any computer access when I am absent. Which means book work and paper shuffling.
  • They have also lost 1 day of computer time to complete their games. Unfortunately this affects the entire class, not just the student(s) that caused the problems/issues. It only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch.
  • Referrals will be written with Acceptable Use Policy Violations that are District Policy. If offense is at Level II, all computer access for the remainder of the year will be revoked in the classroom for that student.
  • Please add this to your Daily Log, so I know that you have read and understand the consequences behind your behavior while I am not present. I expect you to act better for our guest the sub than you do for me.

April 13-20

  • Coding Game
  • Continue your Developers Log
  • DVD Case due for B Day class 4/13.
  • Use "The Game Creators" website so you can use the forum and code base
  • Daily Log due at the end class daily.
  • Work Poster
  • Working Single Level game by Thursday/Friday April 15/16 in order to receive a grade of 70% for the six weeks. NO game, grade will be dropped to 65%.
Objectives: This challenge has each high school team creating an edutainment game for grade level 7th or 8th.
  • The game must help to teach subject matter that is specific to the grade selected.
  • The game should engage students in Math, Language, or Science.
  • The game should be appropriate to the target audience.
  • The game must have a storyline and the play should support the theme of the game.
  • The game must have the player progress to a second level of play.
  • A description of 2 additional levels should be included in the documentation for the game.
Poster - Due April 19/20
  • Paper size is 11x17
  • Printing size will be 8.5 x 11
  • Must sell story
  • Must be visually pleasant
  • Must go along with game
  • Game must have name

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

May-June Calendar

Download the following program at home:

The calendar will show when all of the different projects are due. There will be enough class time given to be successful. If you feel that you need more time, you can work on your projects at home and use your gmail account to email them back and forth to yourself.
  • Calendar of Due Dates

April Schedule

Using the link below you are able to see all of the due dates for the Future Game Designers Contest. My hope is to keep you informed and aware so you can be successful.

Monday, April 5, 2010

April 5-12

  • Coding Game
  • Continue your Developers Log - print off and turn in Rough Draft on April 8/9
  • Due April 5/6 the first 30 minutes of class - Phase 5 and IR5
  • Use "The Game Creators" website so you can use the forum and code base
  • Daily Log due at the end class daily.
  • Work on CD Cover or Poster if you get stuck on the coding part.
This challenge has each high school team creating an edutainment game for grade level 7th or 8th.
  • The game must help to teach subject matter that is specific to the grade selected.
  • The game should engage students in Math, Language, or Science.
  • The game should be appropriate to the target audience.
  • The game must have a storyline and the play should support the theme of the game.
  • The game must have the player progress to a second level of play.
  • A description of 2 additional levels should be included in the documentation for the game.