Friday, October 30, 2009

Tutorials for the Week of November 2nd

Monday: 2:30 - 4:00 pm

Wednesday: 2:30 - 4:00 pm

Friday: 2:30 - 3:30 pm

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I Support Learning Objectives/Assignments/Due Dates - October 27-Nobember 9

October 27 - October 30 (Due 10/30)

Phase I, Game Engines and Programming

OBJECTIVE (S): Students will….

  • List reasons why program planning and structure are important when designing games.
  • Describe and be able to manipulate a DO LOOP in Basic programming language.
  • Find folders and properly open files in the Dark Basic software.
  • Explain what REM statements in Basic programming language are used for.

Phase 1 Worksheet - Daily
Internship Report - 25pt Quiz/Test
Professional Ethics - Daily
Phase 1 Quiz - Daily

November 2 - November 9 (Due 11/9)

Phase II, Programming Math, FOR/NEXT Loops

OBJECTIVE (S): Students will….

  • Be able to list the mathematical operators in order of precedence.
  • Be able to match a variable type with the data it can store.
  • Be able to write simple commands in Basic computer language for creating a random number, printing a name to the screen, performing a task repeatedly (for/next loop), print a chosen word or words to the screen given a set of limitations (if/then loop).
  • Be able to identify the logical operators in Basic programming language.

Phase 2 Worksheet - Daily
Criteria/Constraints - Daily
Internship Report - 25pt Quiz/Test
Professional Ethics - Daily
Phase 2 Quiz - Daily
Code Changes - Daily x 2
Game Outline - Daily
Daily Log - Daily

The above assignments are the rest of the grades for this 6 weeks, that ends November 13. The last assignment will be taken on November 9. All work done November 10 - 13 will go on the 3rd 6weeks grading period.

If your student is absent, he/she is responsible for coming in outside of class to complete the work. I will post make-up times on this blog as well. I have built in an extra day for each assignment for this reason, but if extra time is needed, I will be more than willing to stay after school.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Monday - 10/12 - Student Holiday

Tuesday/Wednesday - 10/13 & 10/14
  • Any student that did not submit his/her Game Analysis must complete and print off in class. You also need to email the file as well to
  • A grade no higher than a 70% will be given due to the work being late. Assignment was due at midnight on 10/9/09.
  • Go find the Game: Vire on a Diet.......Log In to your Scratch account
  • Click on add as friend on left of screen
  • This is going to allow you to upload to my gallery for the rest of the week.
  • Blocks 5 & 7 - I will get you caught up in class. Very important that you listen to the instructions in class.
Thursday/Friday - 10/15 & 10/16
  • Turn in Paper and Save work as xxxxxB5Test - x is your last name and B(Your Block)
  • Scratch Project due at end of class submitted to the following Gallery : Project Gallery VGD
  • Original Scratch file must be sent via email as well to:
  • Lab 3a-3f
  • Lab 4 All
Monday/Tuesday - 10/19 & 10/20
  • Lab 3a-f Email the Scratch files you have done at the start of class to
  • We are NOT working on 3 in class anymore.......

  • Everyone is working on Lab 4 and Lab 5 today no options!
  • Check the printer before you print off the sheets....there are extras sitting at the printer...
  • Make sure your Portfolio is in order before you leave today
Wednesday/Thursday 10/21 & 10/22
  • Lab 4 and Lab 5 Due at end of class- email all files(not links) to
  • Email all files - Lab4a, Lab5a, Lab5b and Lab5c
  • Print out Daily Logs and place on top of Sept. 30 pages.
Friday/Monday - 10/23 & 10/26
  • Scratch Test only in class - no internet use......
  • Game Analysis Homework - due via email on 10/27 midnight to
  • Tutorial Times this week are:
  • Tuesday 2:30 - 3:30 pm
  • Wednesday 2:30 - 3:30 pm
  • Thursday 2:30 - 3:30 pm
Tuesday/Wednesday - 10/27 & 10/28
  • Internship Project Start
Thursday/Friday - 10/29 & 10/30
  • Phase I - ISL curriculum

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October at a Glance!!

Sorry for being out this week...Swine Flu...I hope to be back on Friday.

ALSO - THOSE OF YOU THAT HAVE BEEN CHEATING, GUESS WHAT I KNOW :-( I will handle it when I return....I am talking about Scratch Lessons/Cards/Labs......

Please be aware that the following will be the grades entered for the new 6 weeks:
October 5-7
Computer Video Quiz(s) - turned into Ms. Favor (sub) - Test Grade
Game Analysis Outline - turned into Ms. Favor (sub) - Daily Grade
Lab 2b - Test - already submitted last week....was due on September 25, 2009 or by 10/1/09
Portfolio Check - Daily Grade
Daily Log Check - Daily Grade

October 8 - Scratch Project x 3 Daily Grades - Ms. Favor (sub)
Work must be uploaded to a specific gallery by the end of the block on 10/12 or 10/13 depending on A or B day student.

Check back here for which Gallery to upload your work.

Save your work with this format: lastnameB1project -- your last name and block
Upload Project to Gallery that I will post on this blog on Monday morning October 12.
Start Lab 4

October 15/16
x 2 Daily Grades
Lab 3a-3f Due at end of block and files emailed to

October 21, 22 - Scratch Test x 2 Test Grades in class only uploaded to Vire Test Gallery.
This assignment will incorporate all of Labs 1-4

If you are absent, please make arrangements to come in and get your work completed. Since we are working in Scratch, you should have access at home and are able to save in your Scratch Account and download in class.