Monday, September 28, 2009

Scratch Lesson 3 Variables

  1. View Power Point over Variables
  2. Print Labs 3a-3f
  3. Complete Labs 3a-3c Monday/Tuesday
  4. Complete Labs 3d-3f Wednesday/Thursday
All work must be done in class. I am unable to send these lessons via email due to copyright issues. If you are absent, please email me and I will send an alternative assignment, or you can come in before/after school to make-up work.

  • End of 6 weeks is Friday October 2
  • Please make sure all work is submitted by Friday, unless absent - will be handled on case by case basis.
Have a great week!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Student Organization

Hey everyone, if you are wanting/needing to be part of a student Organization, come check out:

Ben Barber TSA (Technology Student Association)

We are affiliated with the National TSA organization. We have meetings on Wednesdays at 3:30-4:30 at Ben Barber in Room B206.

We compete in several different technology areas. If you would like more information, please come to a meeting and see what we are all about.

Come be apart of Tomorrow's Leaders!!!

Scratch Software

Hello Students and Parents,

Here is the link to the software that we are using in class right now.

Lessons for September 22-25:

Getting Started or Video - Save the Getting Started 1-10 as your last nameCard1
Scratch Help Cards - Save each card as its own file example: vireDanceTwist

The following lessons can be sent to a student via email if requested.

Power Point Basic Scratch
Lab01a -
Power Point - Loops